Tuesday, 25 November 2008


I am a man with many thoughts and wonders.Maybe too much but anyway,I wanted a way for me to express my thoughts and wonders without my principal calling me a liar and threaten to expel me from school (that wasn't a joke i'm serious).

Sometimes I wonder, do girls fart?This kind of things doesn't really bother me until a few days ago when i watched You So Crazy, A stand up comedy by Martin Lawrence from the movie Bad Boys.He was talking about racism and the girls only want his money and jealous woman.Then he talks about how when people are in love they startdoing thins in front of each other they wouldn't normaly do when they first met each other like running out of the room just to fart.

And I wonder,again,do girls really fart?If they do, they really know how to hold it.Thats why they always complaining about cramps.Like one night you both in bed and ready to make love then suddenly the girl says"NO BABY I GOT CRAMPS!"

Honestly I would be like"who cares im ready to Fuck!"If there are girls reading this right now(which is highly unlikely) and are offended,you have my apologies but please tell me, do girls really fart?

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